Tuesday 24 November 2009

Music Magazine Analysis Two

Music Magazine Analysis Two

In this powerpoint, I labelled and analysed another music magazine called 'Rolling Stone.' In this presentation, I labelled the important points of a magazine and analysed it. I labelled the key terms and conventions of this music magazine. In this analyse, I wrote on each slide, the key terms and why I liked it. I then had a sepearate slide on why I don't like this music magazine.

For the masthead, I found that the name of the magazine 'Rolling Stone' stood out, due to the fact that the masthead was behind the model. As well as that, the masthead stands out as well as the coverline and the model, because of the black and white coloour scheme. Furthermore, the cover lines all relate to music artists and uses indirect language and uses formal language as it is presented in a formal and presentable way.

As you are able to see, I was able to label the main conventions which were inlcuded in a music magazine. I wrote about each key convention, and discuss the eye flow, the mode of address and the register by looking at the front cover.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Music Magazine Analysis

In this powerpoint, I labelled and analysed a music magazine called 'NME.' In this presentation, I labelled the important points of a magazine and analysed it. I labelled the key terms and conventions of this music magazine. In this analyse, I wrote on each slide, the key terms and why I liked it. I then had a sepearate slide on why I don't like this music magazine.

For the masthead, I found that the name of the magazine 'NME' stood out, and was unique due to the font and the colour scheme of the whole magazine. In this magazine, there was a variety of artists on the front cover, which could be a advantage as well as a disadvantage, as many readers will be interested however, some readers may not know all the artists and may dislike them. Overall, the magazine is unique and looks attractive and connects really well with the colour scheme.

However, there is a reason why I don't this magazine, is because the layout looks too random and too bold to look at.

On the analysis, I was able to label all the main and key conventions which I will use on my music magazine; as well as being able to write about each of the key convention. I also talked about the eye-flow of the front cover, as well as the mode of address and the register.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Mood Board

Rhythm & Blues

After creating my bar charts and comparing them with each other. I have decided to use the information which I have gathered. Overall, I have decided to create a R&B music magazine, as many of the students are into R&B other than Rock or Pop.

For this, I have created a mood board. The reason on why I have created a mood board about R&B, is so then I get a general idea on what the music magazine will look and feel like. A mood board is a collection of images or words that describe what you are doing. As I am doing R&B, I have gathered images of R&B artists, both male and female. As well as that, I have written down the audience which may be attracted to this music magazine.

By creating this mood board, I am able to find out information about R&B music, and things which are related to this. This will then help me create my music magazine; thus be able to attarct my target audience.

Music Magzazine Questionnaire Overall Feedback

Initial Research Feedback

After getting the 20 students filling in the questionnaire which I had created for my research, I looked over their feedback and created bar charts of them, so then I will find it easier to compare results and find out what was popular from each 8 questions which I wrote on the questionnaire.

The first thing which I did, was that I updated all the results on the computer by using Microsoft Excel. On Microsoft Excel, I was able to highlight the information which I wanted, and created a bar chart. As you can see, I have created 6 bar charts (Question 1,3,4,5,6,7) as these were all closed questions. On Question 2 and 8, the questions were open so then students had to write in relating to the question. After creating all bar charts for the questions which I needed, I then copied them and pasted them on individual slides on Microsoft Powerpoint.

On Microsoft Powerpoint, I was able to make the bar chart more bigger, so then it is more clearer and easier to read the bar charts. After resizing all bar charts, I added a text box underneath them and wrote a little summary of what I had found from each question and how it might relate to my music magazine when I start to create it. For question 2 and 8, I wrote out all the feedback which students gave, so then you are able to see what the students had written for these 2 questions.

Finally, I presented the presentation in an orderly way so then it will be clear and easy for you when reading.

Music Magazine Results Uploaded


As you can see, after giving out my questionnaire to 20 students, I started uploading the information on the computer. The software which I used was Microsoft Excel. I have used Microsoft Excel, as I am able to create bar charts, so then I can compare the data which I recieved.

In Microsoft Excel, I first wrote out all of my information onto charts and wrote how many students ticked each box. After doing all of these for the 6 questions (as two were open questions) I was able to highlight them, and click on the bar chart at the top toolbar. I then followed the instructions and added a title, and labelled the x and y axix. I did this for all of the questions.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Music Magazine Questionnaire

Inital Reseach

In this lesson, we were asked to create a questionnaire which we will give to at least 20 students to fill in. This questionnaire was created so then I get an overall feedback on what students like listening to, what their favourite artists are etc... This research will then help me when creating my music magazine as I will know what the students like and which is more popular and efficient for my music magazine. Here is a sample of my questionnaire.

I was able to create eight questions, in which I think will relate to me finding out who my target audience is. I asked many questions which will help me find out what type of music magazine people are looking for.

I asked the questions;

1. What type of music do you generally listen to?
I gave the options of four genres (R&B, Rock/Pop, Hip-Hop and Grime) which the participants where able to choose from.

2. Who is your favourite artist on the chosen genre above?
This is an open questions in which particpants are able to write which artist is their favourite.

3. Which colour scheme do you prefer?
I gave the particpants the choice of 6 colour schemess, (Red/Black/White, Blue, Pink, Green/Purple/White, Black/White and the option of other).

4. What type of article would you like to read?
This is a closed question, so then particpants will have to choose rather than them writng down what they like. I gave them the option of interviews, articles and cd review/music fashion.

5. Would you like this magazine to be?
This is also a closed question, giving the chose of weekly, fortnighly and monthly.

6. How much would you spend on this music magazine?
This is also a closed question, which particapnts can choose over £2.20- £2.60, £2.70-£3.10 and £3.20 +.

7. What font do you prefer for the Masthead on the front cover?
I gave the particpants the options of different fonts which inlcudes six different fonts.

8. What would be your most preferred magazine name based on the chosen genre above?
This is an open question so then participants are able to write what they would like as the music magazie masthead.

Project Plan

Project Plan

This is a project plan, on how I would set out my time efficiently when creating my music magazine. On this project plan, this shows how I will manage my time. I will first start by gathering research about music magazines in order for me to reach my target audience and identify who they are. This will then be followed by analysis about the questionnaires which I conducted. I will also analyse two exisiting front covers so then I get a overall idea of how front covers look like. From, looking at these two analysis, I will be able to mock up a front cover for myself. This will then get as many drafts as I need in order to make it look more professional and eye-catching to my target audience.

After the christmas holidays, I analyse two exisitng double page spreads and create my one. By analysing two existing double page spread, I am able to see what they are and what the audience are more likely to read. By condcuting my questionnaire, I was able to find out that my target audience are more interested in reading an interview rather than a music review. THis is then followed by me analysing two exsiting table of contents, so then I am able to get an overall feel on what they are and what they consistent of. By doing this, I will create my own table of contents, by adding images and information about the magazine, to make it look more realistic and eye-catching for the target audience.

After the half term, I will product many drafts of both my table of contents and double page spread, in order to make to my own standards. After this, I should be in the beginning of March, where I will be able to create final drafts of all three, tabel of contents, double page spread and front cover. This is then followed by my evaluation of my presentation which will be a powerpoint presentation.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Final Magazine Contents Page

Final Magazine Contents Page

This is the final copy of my magazine contents page. From the other draft, I have made a few changes. One of the changes which I have done was that I deleted the 'Contents' as my teacher Mr Lau, suggested this as well as the readers will automatically know what the page is. Another change that I made, is I moved the selling line a bit to the right to make it look attractive and eye-catching to the readers. As well as that, I have moved all of my text more up and have spaced it out more equally to look more professionally towards the readers.

Afterwards, I have inserted the four images which I had taken before, which relates to my sub-headings. I inserted them by first opening up the pictures and one by one copying them and pasting them on the contents page. I have decided to out the image of the Sixth Form Building first, as this is about the 'Cover Story.' For this image, I editted this, as I saw some people on the far left hand side. To take them out of the picture, I used the 'Clone Tool' and held onto the 'shift' button and deleted what wasnt appropriate for this image.

As you can see, there were people in the image, so I editted them out.

I then decided to use the image of the sixth formers working as this relates to 'School Life' and how students can achieve the best results. Next, I chose to put the image of the sixth formers looking at the Blandford Street plaque as this connects to the sub-heading of 'School Events' and how the opening of the building was a success. Lastly, I put the image of the students playing sport on the bottom right hand corner on the right third, as the 'Sports' section was the last sub-heading and closely related to the picture inserted on the right.

Furthermore, after I had finished inserting the images, I wrote down the page numbers of each photo which it represents. For the Sixth Form Building, th page number was 3. The sixth formers working was page 11, the plaque was page 13 and finally the sports page was page 17.
To create these, I used the font 'Monotype Corsiva,' size 48pt' and 'Bold' so then it will look attractive. I first used the colour purple, but then I found out that it doesn't look eye-catching enough. To imrpove this, I used a backdrop of the colour white on all of the page numbers.

Finally, the last thing which I did, was put the actual page number of the contents page. As you can see as the bottom right hand corner in the right third, I have written 'page 1' as this is the first page. This is in the same font as the main pages which is 'Broadway,' and used size '11pt.' I also did it in 'Bold,' 'Regular' and the colour 'Black' so then it still sticks to the colour scheme and will look more clearer and eye-catching to read. I have also done all these changes and improvements so then the readers will find it easier to read and understand what the magazine contains.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Magazine Contents Page

This is a first draft of how I have started off creating my magazine contents page.

I have first started off creating all my text.

For the Masthead from the front cover, I have used the same font 'Champagne and Limousines' to make it look the same as the front cover. However I have used a smaller size, as I have used size '90pt.' It is also in 'Regualar' and 'Bold' to make it satnd out. I have also used a backdrop of this, so then it will look exactly the same as the front cover by in a more smaller version. I have used a backdrop of the colour purple behind the black text. I then put the Masthead of the magzine name in the middle of the page.

Selling Line
For the selling line, I decided to put this is as well, because I believe a masthead isn't complete without a selling line underneath it. I also decided to keep it the same, with the font 'Lucida Calligraphy' and size '14pt.' I also put it in 'Italic,' 'Bold' and the colour 'Black' to make it look the same as before. I also placed the selling line in the middle, underneath the masthead.

I then wrote 'Contents' and placed it, in the same place as the masthead and selling line, but underneath, so then readers are aware of what the page is. I decided to use the font 'Broadway' and size '36pt' to make it stand out for the readers. I also chose to do it in 'Regular,' 'Bold' and the colour 'Black.' I have chosen all of these as I find that it will be much clearer and easier for the readers to read.

Main Headings
For the main headings such as: 'Cover Story, School Life, School Events, Sports,' I have decided to use the font 'Broadway' again and size '22pt.' It is also in 'Regular,''Bold' and the colour 'Black' to make it stand out and appeal to the audience. For these main headings, I have chosen to use a backdrop of the colour purple. I have carried on the purple theme, so then it connnects with both my magazine and my model on the front cover.

Sub-Headings/Page Numbers
Moreover, for the sub-headings and the page numbers from the contents page, I decided to carry on using the same font 'Broadway' but when down in size to '15pt' as it was not that important as the main heading but still is. Its also in 'Regular' as always,'Bold' to make it stand out and the colour 'Black' to make it readable and clearer.

Information Given
Underneath most of the sub-headings, I have written a short sentence about the sub-heading or what the magazine contains. For this, I have especailly changed the font to 'Monotype Corsiva' and to size '10pt' as I think it will look more attarctive and will stand out from the rest due to the different font used. I have chosen to use a backdrop of the colour purple. I have carried on the purple theme, so then it connnects with both my magazine and my model on the front cover and carries on to the contents page.

Lastly, I have placed in lines sectioning each sub-heading, so then readers will not get confused. For the line, I have used the font 'Broadway' and the size '10pt' as it connects with the other text on the page. I also carried on the colour scheme by using the colour purple to connect with both the front cover and the text which I have created so far on the contents page.

Four Images Taken

First Image
Sixth Form College in Blandford Street

Second Image
Group of Sixth Formers Working

Third Image
Two students Looking At The Blandford Street Palque

Fourth Image
Students Playing Sport

As I took this photo's, I took into consideration about the lighting and the steadiness of my hand when taking them. As you can see I have taken these pictures all without flash and used the natural lighting.

After taking these photo's, I did not make any major corrections. However, on Adobe Photoshop, I used my ability of the 'Clone Tool' to take away people on the far left hand side on the pathway, behind the college. I decided to take them away as they looked a bit random on my Sixth Form image.

Planning My Four Images

Planning My Four Images

From looking above, we were asked to fill in the this table after we had created our plan for the contents page. This table was generally a plan on how we would shoot our images which we are going to use in the contents page. In my contents page, I decided to have at least four images, as I think having more than this, will make the contents page look too complicated and would not look eye-catching.

The four images which I have decided to take, relates overall to my sub-headings.

1. I would have a portrait image of the new Sixth Form building at Blandford Street (This relates to my 'Main Cover Story')
2. I would then have another portrait image of 3 sixth formers in an ICT room, doing work.
(This relates to my 'School Life' sub-heading)
3. I would then have another portrait image of two sixth formers next to the Blandford Street plaque.
(This relates to my 'School Events' sub-heading)
4. Lastly I would have a portrait image of a group of secondary students playing sports.
(This relates to my 'Sports' sub-heading)

I have closely taken into consideration about my four images and making sure that they all relate to the magazine sub-headings. I decided to have the first left images on the left hand side on the left third, underneath each other, whereas the last image will go on the right hand corner at the bottom right third.

Contents Page Plan

Contents Page Plan

After creating our magazine cover, we were told we had to plan out our contents page for our magazine. As you can see above, I layoured out my plan specifically as I put things where I wanted everything to be. I decided to have the main masthead from the front cover 'Aim High' and the selling line 'be where you wanna be,' to put on the contents page so then readers will know what the magazine is called. As I had decided to put 'Contents' as my main masthead so then readers will know what this page is about. Theremore, there are four images to relate to my sub-headings which are: Cover Story, School Life, School Events and Sports.



The improvement which I have done to change the magazine was that I changed the selling line. I changed it to 'be where you wanna be,' from 'and be where you wanna be.' I decided to take out the word 'and' as this was a negative feedback which I had got who told me that the selling line would be more in-depth and focused more by taking out the word 'and.'