Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Project Plan

Project Plan

This is a project plan, on how I would set out my time efficiently when creating my music magazine. On this project plan, this shows how I will manage my time. I will first start by gathering research about music magazines in order for me to reach my target audience and identify who they are. This will then be followed by analysis about the questionnaires which I conducted. I will also analyse two exisiting front covers so then I get a overall idea of how front covers look like. From, looking at these two analysis, I will be able to mock up a front cover for myself. This will then get as many drafts as I need in order to make it look more professional and eye-catching to my target audience.

After the christmas holidays, I analyse two exisitng double page spreads and create my one. By analysing two existing double page spread, I am able to see what they are and what the audience are more likely to read. By condcuting my questionnaire, I was able to find out that my target audience are more interested in reading an interview rather than a music review. THis is then followed by me analysing two exsiting table of contents, so then I am able to get an overall feel on what they are and what they consistent of. By doing this, I will create my own table of contents, by adding images and information about the magazine, to make it look more realistic and eye-catching for the target audience.

After the half term, I will product many drafts of both my table of contents and double page spread, in order to make to my own standards. After this, I should be in the beginning of March, where I will be able to create final drafts of all three, tabel of contents, double page spread and front cover. This is then followed by my evaluation of my presentation which will be a powerpoint presentation.

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